Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekly workout update...

Tue, May 1st Car accident day :(  I was planning on going to bootcamp, but felt awful.  I napped and took an Epson salt bath.

Wed, May 2nd  2mile walk with Molly in the morning.  I didn’t realize how bad I would feel the day after the accident. 

Thurs, May 3rdThe bruise on my left leg really hurts, so I decided to skip boot camp and running.  I did take Molly on a 3mile walk!

Fri, May 4thCortisone shot in my left foot – first treatment to get rid of my Morton’s Neuroma.  My Dr. recommended that I don’t run until Monday and do some limited  walking.  By the end of the day, a nice purple bruise popped up where the shot was.  Fun times. 

Sat, May 5th2.45mile walk with G and Molly.  My foot felt okay.  Still icing it regularly.

Sun, May 6th2.0mile walk with Molly and more ice.  I am going to try running on Monday and get back into boot camp.

How your workout week?

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